I’ve recently remapped my car and studied Diesel Engine Management 4th Edition by Robert Bosh. This so called scandal made me laugh – it is sad how people degenerated over the years and are unable to use intellect and common sense anymore.

EGR was designed for EU idiocracy
If you don’t understand something, let’s make a law, right? EU government is very busy by creating moronic laws about shape and radius of bananas; or colors of tomatoes; they don’t bother about security issues and invasion of parasites into EU!!!
Every war has got collateral damage – YOU
To satisfy EURO emission standards, sophisticated systems were created. It is called EGR. Guess who paid for this non sense – YOU customers.
According to Robert Bosh, EGR suppose to reduce emissions, cool exhaust gases and improve fuel consumption. Everything looks great on paper…reality is another story.
Sadly, it increases fuel consumption and clogs engine, especially on poor quality fuels. Those who live in 3rd world countries knows what I’m talking about 😉
From above by EGR map you can see that at high revs/fuel injected quantity, EGR is closed anyway.
Once, I reduced EGR duty cycle via VCDS in my ex Fabia HR II – it became a rocket ship with lower fuel consumption. What amuses me most that technical inspection, carried by authorised service every two years, didn’t even notice EGR off.
EGR at glance
At certain engine revolutions or fuel injected quality – EGR valve opens/closes.
It most likely makes no difference in emissions. It suppose to reduce emissions by adding exhaust gases to fuel mix.
It most likely reduces combustion chamber temperature but it doesn’t make any sense because EGR is completely closed at high loads (where most of fuel is injected and exhaust gas temperatures reach 800deg of Celsius) and there is only air/fuel mix.
It was most likely designed to satisfy EURO emission norms with little or no difference. That’s why they created little backdoor to pass emissions at technical inspection (MOT, STK and so on). You can’t reason with idiots – everybody wants to be right. Optimists are disease of Earth.
What do you think is more ecological – my Octavia HR I or BlueMotion, EcoBoost or whatever they call it cars?
YOU GUESS IT WRONG. The lower the engine output, the more fuel it consumes. PARADOX ha?
Imagine you drive ECO car and it takes one minute to accelerate at 130km/h. It takes me under 10 seconds to accelerate to the same speed. Your cars consumes 9l/100km and my under 6.5l/100 PARADOX ha?
Lets makes an other funny example – people living in mountains know this problem very well. You want to accelerate up to steep hill…sorry you can’t, well don’t buy eco cars. My car accelerates under 10 seconds in steep hills. Your car consumes 15l/100km and barely reaches 90km/h speed limit…mine is under 8l/100km.
You have been had – ECO cars are ecological only on paper PERIOD !!!
Less is not always more !!!
Performance and emissions PARADOX
Modern consumers world suffer from horrible syndrome – THE PERFECTION.
Marketing massage preaches about performance and emissions in one product.
That’s great joke but universal things don’t exist in Nature. People pursue this strategy since dawn of mankind.
You can’t have both, pick one.
If you want accelerate hard, it most smoke like hell – we all have seen heavy duty trucks. Any EGR intervention makes only worst because low performance car would accelerate longer, thus consuming more fuel and produce more emissions.
It is not just VW Group but every car maker
Most cars on this planet use systems created by Robert Bosch, wise person wonders why Volkswagen only.
Toyota, Mazda, Subaru, KIA, Skoda sell most cars around the world – what losers do if they cannot keep up?
It is an other beauty of modern humans…self-destruction and lust for conflicts.
Every organism in Nature lives in symbiosis except humans. Even virus knows it cannot kill its host.
How to choose proper car
Only ECO terrorists drive cars under 5km, especially turbocharged diesel cars. It takes 5-30km to warm up turbo diesel. Take a bus or ride the push bike.
Short trips – hybrid cars (Toyota Prius), low cubature naturally aspirated cars (1.0l or 1.2 – you’ll be ok on flatlands)
long trips – any TDi engine with at least 200Nm torque; mountain areas at least 300Nm.
performance/fun – pick whatever you want with high HP figures. I pick Subaru Impreza WRX.
“HP sells cars, torque wins races.”~ ancient motorsport wisdom
Bottom line
Absorb all the information you can but always use intelligence and common sense because all is not as it seems.
eExperts love to look smart – visit any forum and observe endless polemics about nothing. Those who know don’t talk and those who talk don’t know. If you talk, you just repeat what you know and you’re learning nothing.
Back in 1999, I was a driving instructor in army. We had to do psycho test. Back then driving tests were hard and people were kicked out. I suggested mandatory psycho test for everybody, including annual ability checks (we had to do it every quarter!)
Lobby of automotive industry is strong and idiocracy is consumed by GREED and FEAR. Fifteen years later I wonder what went wrong – driving licenses are given for free now.
We have fancy assistants in cars, still there is ever increasing number of accidents. PARADOX ha?
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